Red Cliff steep coast on the island of Sylt

The Red Cliff is a spectacular cliff that stretches along the west coast of the North Sea island of Sylt in Schleswig-Holstein. The cliff is about six kilometers long and in some places reaches a height of up to 30 meters.

The characteristic red color of the cliff is caused by the weathering of iron-rich sediment layers in the ground. The Red Cliff is not only an impressive natural wonder, but also an important habitat for many animal and plant species. Visitors can walk along the cliff and enjoy the view of the North Sea. There are also some cafes and restaurants near the cliff offering local specialties. Kampen is not far away. The Red Cliff is part of the “Lister Dünen” nature reserve and is located in the North Friesland region. The island of Sylt, part of the North Frisian Islands, is known for its attractive nature, its fashionable resorts (especially Kampen) and its culinary delights. The Red Cliff is definitely worth a visit if you are on the island of Sylt for a few days and is one of the top sights on the island.

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Here is the Red Cliff on Sylt

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